38 github search multiple labels
Creating Multiple Word Labels | Jira | Atlassian Documentation It is not currently possible to create labels which include spaces in either JIRA or Confluence as multiple labels are added by typing them separated by spaces. For Example: This is my Label is turned into This, is, my, and label. Workaround. To create a 'multi-worded' label, hyphens " - " or underscores " _ " need to be used: This-is-my-Label search - Filtering issues without certain tag on GitHub - Web ... You can exclude search results on GitHub using a minus sign. So to search for all issues not labelled as bugs, you could put the following into a search: type:issue -label:bug ... I've found it also doesn't seem to work for excluding multiple labels, so: type:issue -label:bug -label:enhancement does not return the results I would expect ...
| alphapept - mannlabs.github.io Function to search for a label for a given spectrum. Args: query_frag (np.ndarray): Array with query fragments. query_int (np.ndarray): Array with query intensities. label (np.ndarray): Array with label masses. reporter_frag_tol (float): Fragment tolerance for search. ppm (bool): Flag to use ppm instead of Dalton.

Github search multiple labels
Keep your secrets synced across multiple repositories ... - The GitHub Blog Now, you can easily share, update, and automatically sync secrets with multiple repositories by creating them at the organization level. This increases security for your organization by reducing manual duplication of secrets, and reduces the likelihood of workflow failure due to an out-of-date secret. Creating and sharing organization secrets GitHub Workflows for Newbies: Add Labels and Comments to Pull Requests label it with "stylesheet submission" label it with "invalid" if it appears they did not check off all list items provided in the PR template At first, it seemed this was going to be kind of complicated and involve creating multiple files, until I stumbled upon actions/github-script: Creating new labels for GitHub Issues in ZenHub Next, navigate to Issues and further click on Labels next to the search.To create a new label, click New label on the top right. You can also edit or delete existing labels in the same interface using the label table. Using emojis in labels. Both GitHub and ZenHub do support using emojis in label names, as long as other text accompanies the emojis.
Github search multiple labels. Multi-label Classification with scikit-multilearn - David Ten 2. Datasets. We use the MediaMill dataset to explore different multi-label algorithms available in Scikit-Multilearn. Our goal is not to optimize classifier performance but to explore the various algorithms applicable to multi-label classification problems. The dataset is reasonable with over 30k train points and 12k test points. Managing labels - GitHub Docs You can manage your work on GitHub AE by creating labels to categorize issues and pull requests. You can apply labels in the repository the label was created in. Once a label exists, you can use the label on any issue or pull request within that repository. About default labels GitHub AE provides default labels in every new repository. Best Practices for Using GitHub Issues - Rewind Best Practice 5: Use (But Don't Overuse) Labels. Labels are a great way to categorize issues and slice your team's work into manageable pieces. Since you can apply multiple labels to any given issue, labels are a highly flexible tool that can solve various problems. Here are some of them: Break the project down by areas of responsibility. Neo4j's Cypher queries cheatsheet · GitHub Clone via HTTPS Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository's web address. Learn more about clone URLs ... Match multiple labels:Car OR:Person labels. MATCH (n) WHERE n:Person OR n:Car RETURN n ... Search multiple nodes by ID. MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) IN [1, 2, 3] RETURN n
GitHub {"current_user_url":" ","current_user_authorizations_html_url":" {/client_id ... github.com › EdjeElectronics › TensorFlow-ObjectGitHub - EdjeElectronics/TensorFlow-Object-Detection-API ... Jun 22, 2019 · This creates a train_labels.csv and test_labels.csv file in the \object_detection\images folder. Next, open the generate_tfrecord.py file in a text editor. Replace the label map starting at line 31 with your own label map, where each object is assigned an ID number. docs.github.com › en › get-startedKeyboard shortcuts - GitHub Docs Focus your cursor on the issues or pull requests search bar. For more information, see "Filtering and searching issues and pull requests." U: Filter by author: L: Filter by or edit labels. For more information, see "Filtering issues and pull requests by labels." Alt and click: While filtering by labels, exclude labels. How to search with logic operators on GitHub? - Web ... Show activity on this post. GitHub has a search system, building on elastic search that has many advanced features like searching for repositories or users. Using Google, I can search GitHub for alternatives. The search syntax of GitHub however only covers negation operator.
Multi-line labels | Sample Code - ArcGIS API for JavaScript Search widget with multiple sources. Search widget with custom source. Sketch. Shadow cast. Slice. Swipe. Swipe. ... This sample demonstrates how to label features in a 2D FeatureLayer using an Arcade expression. To display labels, ... Esri on GitHub; resources.github.com › getting-started › enterpriseGitHub Enterprise Onboarding Guide | GitHub Resources And getting involved in open source is easier than ever: your GitHub Enterprise instance automatically connects your team with innovative open source projects and top talent on GitHub.com. Learn how to find and use open source code, share projects with the world, and get the most that the GitHub open source community has to offer—all behind ... How do I report on nodes with multiple labels - Knowledge Base To find all nodes which are defined with both labels of Actor AND Director use the following Cypher: Cypher. Copy to Clipboard. Run in Neo4j Browser. match (n) where n:Actor and n:Director return n; Using this syntax will be performant as it will start with a NodeByLabelScan. If you need to find all nodes which have either label of Actor OR ... Exclude labels from search | GitHub Changelog Exclude labels from search March 5, 2019 Excluding labels is now easier by using the alt keyboard modifier (or ⌥ on macOS) in an issue or pull request list filter to choose which labels you want to omit from your search. Learn more about excluding certain search results on GitHub
Can I search github labels with logical operator OR? Github does not support searching the labels that way. The searching for issues is considered to be an "AND" instead of an "OR" . Here's a repository used to try this out. Example demonstrating github supports "AND" in search My expectations All the issues that are enhancement, feature or both should appear.. enhancement and feature enhancement
Search by Multiple Keys in @ng-select Select Filter - Freaky Jolly Filter/ Search algorithm of the ng-select component can be configured by using the [searchFn] property. This input property takes in a function to return the term (Typed by user) and items (All items of the available in the data set) of the select. The custom logic in this function returns true or false for each result in the dataset deciding ...
Get Gmail Emails By Assigned Label · GitHub What I have done is set up two labels in my email. The first label is applied to emails sent to the group email address. Using a time trigger, if there is an email with the first label it is added to a spreadsheet. That label is removed and then marked with the second label.
Search by label using logical OR · Issue #660 · isaacs/github This has been changed in the current GitHub version: By default labels now use OR. I'm not seeing this. If I filter by two labels, the search performs an AND. shanemcd, rue-dluria, pshankar, gBritz, nelsonestrada5, jesus2099, ulysses4ever, SarthakSuri, v-kydela, 0xdevalias, and 3 more reacted with thumbs up emoji.
Developing GitHub labels for The Carpentries lessons However, while these labels are better suited to our lessons than the default set of labels provided by GitHub, use of these labels has not been standard across all lesson repos, with many repos introducing new labels. This indicates a need for a more robust set of labels to cover different scenarios faced in our lessons.
Enhance issue API to allow search for multiple labels - github.com Enhance issue API to allow search for multiple labels #16854 davidgiga1993 commented on Aug 28 Use Case I want to be able to search for issues which have multiple labels associated via the API Current situation The UI provides such a feature, the API on the other hand searches for all issues which have any of the provided labels. Proposal
Searching in GitLab | GitLab To subscribe to the RSS feed of search results: Go to your project's page. On the left sidebar, select Issues or Merge requests . Build your search query as described in Filter issue and merge request lists . Select the feed symbol to display the results as an RSS feed in Atom format.
Search Refiners checkbox label language is not translated. · Issue #238 · pnp/sp-dev-solutions ...
github.com › szhorvat › MaTeXGitHub - szhorvat/MaTeX: LaTeX labels in Mathematica MaTeX. Create LaTeX labels in Mathematica.. See the blog post for a detailed introduction to MaTeX and up to date troubleshooting information.. Installation. In Mathematica 11.3 or later, simply evaluate ResourceFunction["MaTeXInstall"][] to install or upgrade MaTeX.
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